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COC certificates of Ghana , Ghana G - CAP authentication

COC certificates of Ghana , Ghana G - CAP authentication

What is the Ghana COC ? Ghana called COC Total Product Conformity Certificate of COC by exporters in the pre - shipment applications , COC is the final certificate to the importer of destination ; The Ghana Standards Authority ( GSA certification is GHANA STANDARD AUTHORITY ) implemented a new policy of destination . All items managed under which they were exported to Ghana , which were compulsory for handling the COC certificates only at the destination . A COC corresponding goods for which , therefore , the COC in a lump sum , of that certificate , the shipment of controlled goods are required to apply for , and must be shipped before application , once shipped , cannot retroactively . As the controlled goods fails to timely handle the COC certificates , will be the port of destination , and the face CIF30 % fines .  What is the G CAP - certified ? CAP - G is a descendant of GHANA PROGRAM ( CAP - G ) , is the policy of the COC . Therefore , Ghana COC also called G - CAP authentication .  What is a controlled product ? The following is the latest product of Ghana COC control directory list , a total of 14 kinds , for the majority of exporters for reference : - - - - - - - - - - - - - GROUP , AND SPORT EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS GROUP II AUTOMOTIVE GROUP III GROUP IV CHEMICAL PRODUCTS GROUP V . MECHANICAL AND GAS GROUP VI OF WOOD , PAPER AND GROUP VII ( WOOD AND METAL ) GROUP VIII ( PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT ) GROUP IX FOOD AND FOOD PRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION GROUP X XI GROUP MEDICAL DEVICES GROUP XII petroleum PRODUCTS XIII GROUP , AND XIV GROUP PRODUCTS USED  I know how the export of the products is controlled / regulated products made products ? Exporters can contact me query there is a need to provide the content of the product in both Chinese and English names , customs codes to the HS Code , product brief introduction such as pictures , use , material , etc .  Ghana COC of detailed procedures and introduce : all of the control lists in Ghana , the product must be shipped before application of COC . Detailed procedures are the following : 1 ) providing an IDF file : The full name of the IDF IMPORT DECLARATION FORM ; Importers and containing the information , particulars of the cargo and UCR Number etc . In the completed locally by importer , a PDF file . 2 ) Fill in the SGS / BV Ghana COC form : E - mail it . 3 ) The submission of this application , the quality of the documents , invoice , packing list , available to the applicant and the manufacturer ' s business license and other documents . Quality documentation includes : 1 ) factory ISO9001 Certificate in English ( if any ) ; 2 ) product certs TEST REPORT : usually includes two kinds , one is the factory test report ; Another is to entrust a third party inspection organ of the General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China , the report , to provide such a report accompanied by the detection mechanism of the CNAS certificate of ISO17025 / English . 3 ) if the two could not be provided , may be entrusted to the SGS Laboratory sample testing or witness inspection , costs are not included in the COC . 4 ) SGS scrutinize your application files , the audit is passed , with exporters have agreed upon the time and place . 5 ) SGS inspector to the goods , the SGS audit file and re - inspection results . 6 ) Document review and site inspection by post , the exporter of the final invoice packing list and other documents for the final . As can be seen from the above , the detailed procedure of the COC , Ghana and Kenya / COC of the procedures are the most similar .  Note : Not ASHI COC For example : COC certificates of SGS is issued by the agency , and cannot handle the ASHI ( Advance Shipment Information Electronic Pre - declaration certificate of imported goods . two different certificates , Do not confuse . In summary , the exporters most nights is required in the prior application filed by the COC , license - issuing organs will not be started until the outlet , so as not to face a fine . Please for shippers in a timely manner to draw the attention of the policy , to avoid unnecessary losses .

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