Saudi Arabia
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Saudi Arabia SASO authentication

Saudi Arabia SASO authentication

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( Saudi Arabia , the Saudi Port is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula , the Red Sea to the west ( 1899 - kilometer ) long coastline , the eastern coastline of the Arabian Gulf ( 549 km ) , with an area of 225 square kilometers . Saudi Arabia is the world ' s largest 20 economies ; all the world ' s largest exporter and the EU ( excluding trade between Member States ) ; the world of the twenty - second - biggest importer ( trade ) ; largest in the Middle East ; Third World economic development body of the country ; World Trade Organization , international organizations and Arab members of the group . Since 2006 , China has become the second - largest import trade partner and bilateral trade has a lot of each other . China to sand main exports are machinery and electrical products , shoes and hats , textiles and home appliances . Saudi Arabia on imports of all consumer products Product Conformity Programme ( PCP : program , which was the predecessor of September 1995 onwards the spearhead of international Conformity Programme ( ICCP : International Program ) . Since 2008 , the Saudi plan by the Bureau of Standards ( SASO ) , a subsidiary of " laboratory and quality control portion " , the name was changed also by the ICCP PCP . This is a product comprising the specified test , verification and approval before shipment of the comprehensive programs to ensure that the import of the goods before shipment can fully meet the standards of Saudi products . PCP request reaches the Saudi port of each batch of goods shall bear a label in the uniform of Compliance ( CoC certificates : ) , have been shipped to Saudi Arabia of entry through which consignments will be denied entry . Coppler detection center ( KPL ) is authorized as SASO in China to develop its full product range of import license authentication mechanism , as well as the only authorized by the Saudi domestic rating agencies . Customers can according to the product outlet of the frequency , selecting one of the following two ways to obtain CoC : Pathway 1 : compliance verification the exporter or supplier at each shipment before the shipment for the application prior to the on - site inspections and tests to determine if the products meet the Saudi technical regulations provided for the necessary safety , environment or other criteria . have given a satisfactory result can be obtained after the CoC certificates . This approach applies to the outlet of the high frequency is not the case , as the outlet is lower than the frequency three times a year , and it is recommended to adopt this approach . Pathway 2 : Registration and before shipment of the on - site verification the exporter or supplier of a consignment from a testing sample , after passing the test for this model ( or models ) of the series of products can be obtained a certificate of registration , registration is valid for one year . In this period , which were registered for the product in each shipment before the shipment is required in an on - the - spot verification , the verification result of the following steps of : obtaining CoC certificates . When the registration of the product , in the event of a change in the requirements for the post - alteration of the model or specification of the re - registration . The benefit of this mode before each shipment of the on - site verification is necessary , but each shipment shall be required to take a test before shipment . 

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Saudi Arabia ' s energy efficiency test of the SASO 2870

Saudi Arabia ' s energy efficiency test of the SASO 2870

Lamp light source energy - efficient products certification requirements of SASO saudi SASO accreditation , this company have been in front of the article for details of the illustrated , recently more and more about Saudi Arabia ' s energy efficiency certification of consulting , in this , our company specially Saudi official e - mail advisory regarding the license - issuing organs of all SASO 2870 , the standards , resolve any technical questions . Background : Saudi Arabia ' s Ministry of Industry and Commerce issued an announcement that , as from 2016 on Feb . 9 , includes a standard SASO 2870 : 2015 in lighting products exported to Saudi Arabia must be forced to meet certification requirements of SASO and EER is energy consumption . The standard range of products due to the different power will be divided into three stages of the implementation of new energy requirements ; less than a 60 watt light source 2017 from May 1 to perform , the other of the power source from the 2016 May 1 , 2000 . Standard No . : 2870 SASO : 2015 Standard Name : Energy Efficiency , and Labeling Requirements for Lighting Products Part 1 a . product range include : In Saudi Arabia using a common or similar purposes , and non - directional orientation of the bulb , mainly including the AC or DC power of ordinary incandescent bulbs , compact self - ballasted fluorescent lamp ( CFL ) , a compact self - ballasted LED bulb and a halogen bulb or the like . The specific scope of the following : SASO 2870 covers according to its scope of application of an indirect and direct general light sources having : flux below 60 lumens or above 12000 lumens for the following two stages of implementation ) : May 1st , 2016 for both lamp types ( direct and indirect means ) with a power higher than or equal to 60 W . 1st May , 2017 for both lamp types ( direct and indirect means ) with open power ( lower or equal or higher than 60 W ) mean : 60 - 12,000 lumens in between 2016 May 1 after the bulb and with a power greater than 60W ( SASO ) needed to provide equal 2870 efficiency test report and the energy efficiency label to be allowed to apply for registration of the SASO - COC certificates In 2017 May 1 after the power is less than 60W bulb and the need to provide a SASO 2870 efficiency test report and the energy efficiency label to be allowed to apply for registration of the SASO - COC certificates Not included : the lamp , the lamp controller , and a non - ordinary bulb ( such as lights , an infrared heating lamp , the other in a household appliance , a lamp or the like , and other professional use of the special - purpose bulb ) . 2 . The standard requirement for the snippet 1 . The standard has been specified in the product specification and warnings must simultaneously in English and Arabic versions ; 2 . The special - purpose bulbs package , it is necessary to provide and other information , it will also specify the intended use , and the description of the product unsuitable for general household illumination ; 3 . For the ordinary household or similar use of the bulb , which is the main evaluation criteria : Bulb energy efficiency class : A , B , C , D , E , F and G , Class , Order . bulb performance requirements : such as lifetime , lumen maintenance , a switching cycle , the start - up time , and the color rendering index and power factors etc . bulb must display the following information : logos , input voltage , rated power , the country of origin . The above information must be in label , packaging , and instructions on the website in English and / or clearly and indelibly marked in Arabic . bulb of harmful substances contained in the evaluation requirements : containing lead ( Pb ) , cadmium ( Cd ) , hexavalent chromium ( Cr6 + ) , polybrominated biphenyl ( PBB ) , polybrominated diphenyl ethers ( PBDE ) and mercury and other substances . bulb of energy efficiency labelling requirements : must be the label on the packaging , and consumer is clearly visible . Lamp light source SASO accreditation process 1 application ( Application Form by the security tag registration efficiency efficiency test report test report ) 2 ( the main requirement for the examination of the goods : see above excerpt 3 standard ) 3 certificate ; ( 3 ) working days after their passing Special Process : 1 application ( Application Form by the security tag registration efficiency efficiency test report test report ) 2 certificate ; ( 3 ) working days after their passing inspection , i.e . , not directly by the SASO - COC certificates , but the data still has to offer ! The following attachments form of SASO energy efficiency label style and style of SASO certificate 

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